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Job Search Assistance

Help with job search tools and support from a case manager who can help identify potential jobs 

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Help with job search tools and support from a case manager who can help identify potential jobs 

Adult Worker Program

Adult Worker Program

The Adult Worker Program equips Tennesseans with the tools and resources needed to secure a long-term career. Our services are focused on getting you the help you need to get a job or find the training program that meets your goals.

Unemployed or Laid-off Workers

Unemployed or Laid-off Workers

The Unemployed or Laid-off Worker Program offers training and career opportunities to Tennesseans who have recently lost their job. This program focuses on identifying any challenges that may keep an individual from finding a new job or education. It matches people with the best job and/or educational program that meets their unique needs and goals.

SNAP Employment and Training

SNAP Employment and Training

The SNAP Employment and Training Program helps individuals currently enrolled in the SNAP program achieve their career and educational goals. The program empowers participants with funded education opportunities, skills training, and other supportive services that help an individual achieve success.

Workforce Development Program for Individuals with Disabilities

Workforce Development Program for Individuals with Disabilities

The Workforce Development Program for Individuals with Disabilities empowers you to maximize your career potential, independence, and integration into their community. These services include job counseling, work experiences, training/education opportunities, and other supportive services that help you achieve your career goals. Counselors for this program are located in many, but not all American Job Centers. Check out the Department of Human Services website to find out how to get in touch with someone.

Veterans Program

Veterans Program

The Veteran Program focuses on providing career and training opportunities to veterans and other eligible veteran persons (see eligibility requirements) who are experiencing barriers to employment or education. The Veteran Program provides job-related services, training information, skills assessment, individualized career and educational counseling, resume preparation and much more. This program ensures that veterans are first in-line to get help at the American Job Centers.

Workforce Development Program for Recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Workforce Development Program for Recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, also known as TANF, provides assistance to low-income families with children. This program emphasizes work, training and personal responsibility. One of the requirements of the TANF program is that the participant complete a 30-hour workweek requirement (unless exempt). At the American Job Center, we can get you connected with a job and/or training programs that not only fulfills this requirement, but also help you gain independence.