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School Alternatives

Find alternatives to traditional high school or secondary school. Get a degree in a way that’s right for you.

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Find alternatives to traditional high school or secondary school. Get a degree in a way that’s right for you.

Youth Program (for in-school youth)

Youth Program (for in-school youth)

The Youth Program empowers young people to take control of their futures through education and training opportunities. This program helps individuals remove the challenges that keep them from completing school or getting a job. The Youth program will help you sharpen your current skills, learn new ones, get meaningful work experience, and more. Every youth in Tennessee will have access to and knowledge of the tools needed to achieve financial stability. Every youth in every county is career-bound!

Youth Program (for out-of-school youth)

Youth Program (for out-of-school youth)

The Youth Program empowers young people to take control of their futures through education and training opportunities. This program helps individuals remove the challenges that keep them from completing school or getting a job. The Youth program will help you sharpen your current skills, learn new ones, get meaningful work experience, and more. Every youth in Tennessee will have access to and knowledge of the tools needed to achieve financial stability. Every youth in every county is career-bound!